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“Tale of a father’s love”

Tale of a father's love

My progeny shall be my testament,
The manifestation of my intent,
To propagate the vigor of my blood,
To pass down the wisdom of my lineage's cud,
To ensure my essence shall never die,
But flourish in the fruits of my progeny's eye.

I, a stalwart patriarch of old,
Shall instill in them a virtuous mold,
A compass of wisdom and fortitude,
Guiding them through life's turbulent froth and attitude.

For I am a father, the linchpin of my clan,
Upon whom the very essence of family doth stand.
I shall nourish, I shall protect,
With sagacity that's beyond suspect,
For the future is but an extension of my own,
My seedlings shall not be left alone,
But nurtured, taught, and overseen,
That the acorn may grow into a mighty oak tree.

The epitome of parenthood doth rest,
In the mantle of responsibility that I bear on my chest,
For this is the mantle of fatherhood's quest,
A calling that must not be repressed.

To ensure my lineage's glint and glory,
I shall devote myself to their story.
This is the oath of a father's hand,
To love, to teach, and to command,
To bequeath unto my children my all,
A life of purpose and a destiny to befall.

And as I fade into eternity's haze,
I shall forever live through their blaze,
My legacy eternally set,
In the very breath of my descendants' debt
And they shall all bear the name McDennias,
Till time claims them with a passion so ferocious.

This is the tale of a father's love,
A tale that rises above,
The shifting sands of time,
And touches the heart, sublime!

By McDennias H. Moyo
# McDeePoetry2024
# Screams2024
©McDennias H. Moyo🇿🇼

Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to McDennias H. Moyo and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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