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“Happy Birthday Zimbabwe!”

Happy Birthday Zimbabwe

And as the sun rises over the majestic peaks of Zimbabwe,
A land of unparalleled beauty,
Her people sing a song of joy and remembrance.
For today is the day of her birth,
A day that marks the end of a dark and oppressive era,
And the beginning of a journey to greatness.

The flowers bloom in radiant hues,
A vibrant tapestry of the Zimbabwean landscape,
A testament to the resilience of a people who have endured sanctions and isolation,
Yet remain unyielding in their pursuit of a brighter future.

Her soaring mountains, a testament to her strength,
Her mighty rivers, a lifeblood of hope,
Her lush forests, a canopy of diversity,
A land blessed with nature’s opulence.

And her people, her soul, her heart, her pride,
A resilience that has withstood the test of time,
Sanctions, isolation, hardship, and strife,
Yet, a spirit that remains unwaveringly sublime.

A land of promise, of potential, of opportunity,
A nation that will not be deterred by adversity,
For her history is woven with tales of bravery,
And as the flag waves with pride in the sky,
We remember those who sacrificed their lives,
For the freedom that we now enjoy.

Let us pledge our allegiance, our commitment and our passion,
To build a future that is brighter and stronger,
And more prosperous,
For Zimbabwe, a land of beauty, a land of strength,
A land of resilience, a land of pride.

The dawn of a new era, the birth of a nation,
May Zimbabwe’s spirit endure,
A beacon of freedom,
As the sun sets on this glorious day,
A vision beckons, Zimbabwe's future is underway.

The Vision 2030, a beacon of light,
And with resources rich,
Zimbabwe's minerals, an endless gift,
A nation, abundant, with treasures untold,
For the people, the nation, united, we stand,
A tribute, a song, we sing, to this land,
For Zimbabwe, our pride, our joy, our home,
May your spirit live on, may your legacy roam.

Happy birthday, Zimbabwe, a nation reborn,
A country of beauty, strength, and hope,
May your future be bright, your destiny, forlorn,
A nation, united, in peace, in love, in scope.
And as the years pass, and the memories grow,
May Zimbabwe forever prosper,
A nation, a people, a spirit, aglow.

By McDennias H. Moyo
# McDeePoetry2024
# Screams2024
©McDennias H. Moyo🇿🇼

Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to McDennias H. Moyo and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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