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“She died!”

She died!

In the stillness of a mournful night, she passed,
A soulmate, an enchantress, a captivating mass.
Her demise, a dagger in the heart,
The ache, a wound, a mournful art.

For her, the epitome of alluring grace,
A woman, bewitching, with a mesmerizing face.
And in her wake, a void, a chasm, a gulf,
A darkness, a nothingness, a universe aloft.

Her demise, a political maneuver,
A coup, a rebellion, a grave digger.
For her, the symbol of hope and desire,
A goddess, a muse, a passionate fire.

And in the shadows of despair, a question lingers,
A query, a conundrum, a political finger.
For who is the mastermind or a culprit in this crime?
A murderer, a villain, a traitor in time?

And as the world moves on and the days fade,
The memory, a ghost, a haunting serenade.
For she is a woman, a spirit, a breath,
A soulmate, a lover, a life, now bereft.

And as her epitaph is carved, her legacy immortalized,
A tale, a legend, a story eternalized.
For she is a goddess, a muse, a queen,
Her name, a whisper in the wind it rides.

A tribute, a eulogy, a soliloquy of pain,
A spirit, a beauty, a soul, now unseen.
And as the world grieves, a tribute, we sing,
A song, a poem, a hymn, to the queen.

For she, a lover, a soulmate, a friend,
A life, now lost, a memory, we tend.
And in the depths of the night, when the world is still,
A heart, a spirit, a love, we feel.

For she, a star, now extinguished, her light,
And in the afterlife, where souls roam free,
A presence, a spirit, a memory of she.

And so, we bid farewell to a goddess and queen,
A woman, a muse, a soulmate, serene.
May her legacy live on, her memory remain,
For she is a legend and a goddess, we acclaim.

By McDennias H. Moyo
# McDeePoetry2024
# Screams2024
©McDennias H. Moyo🇿🇼

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